Sunday, May 31, 2015

Made My Day

Awesome (in spite of a glaring omission regarding goobering) knight's code found here

Favorite recent Greg Quote:

"Hey, Julia! Look at this one! Aren't you proud of me?" said while smiling goofily and pointing to a prominent dribble on his shirt.

...Sniff......::dabs eyes::..  I've never been more proud of you, big Goober Queen Extraordinaire, I knight thee Sir Goobers-A-Lot-But-Not-As-Much-As-Julia. Wear this honor with all the dignity that it deserves.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Three Silly Things

One: My daughter wore a lovely dress to church on Sunday. But I didn't realize that Audrey II - the man-eating plant - was in the pattern.

Two: I'm hoping to teach Lulu how to sit up. Like THAT'S going to happen...

I'm trying to decide what the expression on Lulu's face means. 

Three: This was one of my Mother's day gifts: an adirondack chair for the dog:

You can buy your very own on Groupon

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Hard, Cold, Reality

Wednesday, I attended another of our local Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation support group meetings and as I mentioned yesterday, enjoyed it very much. But later, after I had settled myself in bed for a nap, I had this niggling feeling of uneasiness. I thought about the conversations during the meeting and my contributions, and I couldn't shake the feeling the I had put my foot in my mouth (yet again) but couldn't quite put my finger on exactly what I said or did.....

Hm. Let's see. I thought. What did I do this time that will make me cringe when I remember it?

I went through the list of my usual faux pas:

Did I show up on time and in the right location for the meeting? Check.

Was I wearing shoes that matched and did I have all buttons and zippers buttoned and zipped? Check.

Did I goober on any article of clothing at any time during the meeting? Nope. Well.....just one little coffee dribble but it was on my pants so that doesn't count.

Did I say something stupid? Ah, geez. Bingo. Bummer. Yeah. I did. And suddenly, I remembered exactly the words that I wish I hadn't said. It happened like this:

The meeting was about to end and I jumped into the dwindling conversation. So, can I just say something here? (Which was kind of a goofy thing to say considering I had been blabbing for the whole time). Several of the group members had shared their firm belief that excluding certain foods in their diet had reduced some of their symptoms, and I felt the need to comment on my experience with this type of diet. Y'all probably remember my endless blogging during a lengthy experiment with a very restrictive autoimmune protocol diet which ended with me feeling worse than when I started - constant diarrhea, increased fatigue, and crankiness that exceeded all previous levels.

I began by sharing that I had followed very carefully an elimination type diet, which didn't end well. Then recounted the conversation about said diet with Dr. Young Guy during which he gave me the go-ahead to try it with one caveat:

"Julia," he said. "It's fine as long as you get good nutrition, but I also want you to know that these diets don't work for everyone. If you try it, and don't get good results, I want you to remember that it's not a reason for you to feel as though you're at fault, or that you're a failure."

Everyone had been listening, and several of nodded their heads in agreement. I could see that others had the same experience as I had, and I felt as though I had expressed this in an accurate and non-judgmental way. But then I felt that I had to add just one more thing.

Just one more thing.


There it was. Geez. The bluntly delivered words that caused everyone listening to squirm in their seats:

So, remember that this disease HAS NO CURE. Yet. And there's no diet, or supplement, or anything else at this point that has been proven to CURE autoimmune disease.

Silence. Several people looked down at the table. Most broke eye contact with me.  I could feel an immediate change in the atmosphere of the group, and it wasn't a change for the better.

Drat. I thought. Why? Why did I have to remind everyone of what they all knew? Why did I have to point out the obvious and very negative aspect of this disease?

The moderator quickly broke the awkward silence by moving on with the meeting's upcoming schedule and agenda after which we returned tables and chairs to their original position, said our good-bys, and everyone headed home. I suppose that the focus required to get myself home and fed and into bed pushed my dumb stupid comment into the back of my mind. But it forced itself back into my consciousness as I rested and my energy began to return which is why I didn't realize the cause of my uneasiness until I settled in for a nap.

I replayed it all over and over in my mind, carefully examining my feelings as I reviewed my comments. After I gave it some thought, with surprise I realized that perhaps this wasn't as catastrophic a comment as I had initially believed: Yes - I am regretful that I dropped the "incurable" bomb in a way that dampened the mood of the group. Yes - I wish that I could have couched these facts in more tactful words, or waited until a better time or a different meeting to share this.


Still, I have this sense that it simply had to be said. I hadn't heard anything even remotely similar to my comments in all previous meeting that I had attended: That there IS no cure for Sjogren's syndrome at this point. Some physicians and researchers feel that it is a slowly progressive disease, meaning that the assault on our body's normal tissue by autoimmune cells is an ongoing process.

There it is, I guess. The hard cold reality of our disease which is so challenging for me and everyone else dealing with autoimmune issues to accept. To come to some kind of acceptance with. To process, to assimilate, and then to move on with our new lives. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that on occasion I need that reminder. I need to revisit that most difficult process of dealing with the facts of autoimmune activity.

I need to realistically build my expectations for my life on this hard, cold reality.

Because sometimes I forget. Sometimes I let myself believe the hype surrounding so many promises that if I eat these particular foods, or if I don't eat these particular foods, or if I take this vitamin, or if I slather on this cream, or if I do one of a million things............that I'll be free of autoimmune disease.  I buy the book, or the product, start the diet, take the vitamins, and eagerly wait for the promised results. So far, nothing has done it. Nothing, including many medications prescribed for me by my physicians, has cured and healed my body completely.

Have there been things that have reduced my symptoms? Yes. Absolutely. Realistic exercise, mindful meditation/prayer, a healthy diet that includes lots of vegetables and fruits, avoiding UV rays, pacing my day to preserve my energy, trying to hydrate my eyes mouth and skin, compliance with and constant evaluation of my medication regime, being open to alternative treatments from traditional medicine and being completely honest with my prescribing physicians about those treatments, are all important measures that usually help me to manage my symptoms.


None of those things have cured me.

This is unpleasant to consider, yet still it is necessary for me to be aware of this fact as I continue to live with this most difficult disease; or I will repeatedly set myself up for disappointment and feelings of failure when various methodologies that promise cures don't prove to be what they claim. I need to remember the biological facts of Sjogren's and with that acceptance, I can set aside wishful thinking to find authentic joy and happiness in focusing on the abilities that I really do have.

Sometimes the hard, cold, reality is what I really need the most to find a warm, meaningful and positive life.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I Got Nothing

Today was a good day: I got up, took a shower, drove into Portland for another support group meeting and enjoyed it immensely. I came home, grabbed a late lunch, and then.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. the rest of the day just disappeared. Poof. Gone. Leaving my brain dead as a doornail.

I'll be back tomorrow, and hopefully my brain has awakened from a very long nap. So, see you...well, you know how the saying goes........

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's a Boy

Guys. What fun. My friend will become the grandmother of a bouncing baby boy soon! So we threw a party, of course.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I'm Smiling While I'm Sleeping

GREAT weekends require GREAT amounts of rest.

See y'all tomorrow.

Monday, May 25, 2015


"Earth laughs in flowers." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson  

Indeed. Which means my back yard is very, very happy and so am I.

Oh, and s'mores. S'mores make me happy too.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Family Time

Woo hoo! All of my kids are home for the weekend. Too busy to blog. See y'all tomorrow.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Doug Savage: Getting Exercise Via the Stationary Control

I was thinking about exercise the other day.

You'll note I said THINKING. Not DOING.

Several health and wellness professionals remind us that even if one isn't able to do lengthy strenuous workouts, small bits of daily exercise can still be beneficial. It appears Doug Savage has one solution to incorporating more activity into our daily lives:

Um. So I'm supposed to get out of my chair and go all the way over THERE?  Wait......I don't think I know how to manually change channels on my television. Where IS the button to do that, anyway?


If I want a more realistic way to get some exercise, I suppose I could take a small well-behaved doggie on a short walk. Which means I'd need to actually GET a small well-behaved doggie. Sorry, Lulu the Woo-Woo. I'm thinking you don't meet that description.

Friday, May 22, 2015

It's Happening in Bergen: 13th International Symposium on Sjogren's Syndrome

Sometimes when I'm having a day that's less than stellar autoimmune-wise, it's easy for me to descend into a seriously grumpy mood. This is due to lots of reasons: frustration with my body; frustration with my disease; and always frustration that there is not a cure for Sjogren's Syndrome and autoimmune diseases. Inevitably I fixate on the latter cause, since it's much easier to put blame and anger on a faceless scientific community that I assume must be sitting on their duffs not doing much of anything about our disease.

Which is not accurate. Seriously. While it is true that other diseases garner more attention and research dollars, many knowledgeable and dedicated scientists and physicians from all around the globe are working toward better treatment and hopefully a cure for Sjogren's syndrome.

Case in point: This week in Bergen, Norway, physicians, researchers, and Sjogren's patients are participating in an international gathering to share information, research, and experiences. This truly is an international event. Check out the advisory board and committee members:
International Advisory Board
Stefano Bombardieri, Italy
Philip Fox, USA
Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos, Greece
Ann L. Parke, USA
Susumu Sugai, Japan
Takayuki Sumida, Japan
Athanasios G. Tzoufas, Greece
Pierre Youinou, France
International Scientific Committee
Juan-Manuel Anaya, Colombia
Fransesca Barone, UK
Michele Bombardieri, UK
Hendrika Bootsma, The Netherlands
Simon Bowman, UK
Shunle Chen, China
Philip L. Cohen, USA
Troy E. Daniels, USA
Salvatore De Vita, Italy
Ayhan Dinç, Turkey
Thomas Dörner, Germany
Robert Fox, USA
Eric Gershwin, USA
Yoshio Hayashi, Japan
Gabriela Hernandez-Molina, Mexico
Falk Hiepe, Germany
Gabor G. Illei, USA
David A. Isenberg, UK
Cees G. M. Kallenberg, The Netherlands
Yrjö Konttinen, Finland
Zhanguo Li, China
Fabienne Mackay, Australia
Xavier Mariette, France
James E. Melvin, USA
Ulf Müller-Ladner, Germany
Gunnel Nordmark, Sweden
Jacques-Olivier Pers, France
Constantino Pitzalis, UK
Paul Plotz , USA
Manuel Ramos-Casals, Spain
Andreas Radbruch, Germany
Shigemasa Sawada, Japan
Juan Jose Scali, Argentina
Yehuda Shoenfeld, Israel
Kathy Sivils, USA
John Stone, USA
Elke Theander, Sweden
Kazuo Tsubota, Japan
Guido Valesini, Italy
Vladimir I. Vassiliev, Russia
Claudio Vitali, Italy
Cristina Vollenweider, Argentina
Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Sweden
Abstract topics sought during this conference include:

1. Classification criteria and new diagnostic tools
2. Preclinical disease and Sjögren’s syndrome in younger patients
3. Extraglandular manifestations
4. Classical sicca symptoms
5. Personalized and cell-based treatment
6. Patient panel (representatives for patient organizations)
7. Autoantibodies and autoantigens
8. Immune cells in Sjögren’s syndrome
9. Type I Interferons in Sjögren’s syndrome
10. Cytokine networks in Sjögren’s syndrome
11. Genetic aspects of Sjögren’s syndrome
12. Animal models for Sjögren’s syndrome
13. Systems Biology and bioinformatic approaches
14. New Biomarkers for Sjögren’s syndrome
15. Biobanks, registries and international networking

I am assuming that some kind of summary of conference presentations and abstracts will be made public, hopefully in an upcoming Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation publication such as their Sjogren's Quarterly. I'd love to learn more about personalized and cell-based treatment in particular.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Gotta Go With the Flow

Like my new wine/margarita/mimosa/ice water glasses? Can you believe that they're plastic?

Plastic glasses are my latest concession to whatever is making me drop things. I could be more clumsy as the result of lots of things; tremor, medication side effects, caffeine shakes, or just that I'm being ME. But the bottom line is that for whatever reason - I've broken far too many glasses lately and it's time that I minimized the time that my mitts hold an authentic glass object. I've been lucky so far in that I haven't damaged anything else but the unfortunate things that I've dropped and haven't stepped on any glass shards.


These gorgeous plastic wine glasses, however, are pretty darned spiff. I like the colors and they're top rack dishwasher safe. While shopping for these beauties, I realized that with stores stocking summer patio products right now there's oodles of attractive unbreakable tableware out there.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

SSF Conquering Sjogren's Blog: 10 Lessons From a Great Teacher

I enjoy reading the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation's  blog entitled "Conquering Sjogren's". The most recent post, 10 Lessons From a Great Teacher is written by Alida Brill and it's a gem:
Most of us have memories of a teacher who influenced our lives. I certainly do.  But my greatest teacher has been chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease. Obviously, I use the word great here not as in “wonderful” but as in “of extraordinary importance and weight.” 
A few years ago a young woman approached me after a talk I gave about living with chronic disease for my entire life (well, from twelve forward, so close enough). She wanted to know precisely what I meant when I said: At the end of it all, it really hasn’t been all bad. 
Understandably, she wanted to know what wasn’t all bad about always being unwell.  She had been recently diagnosed with Lupus and saw the life she had known and valued disappearing. She was overwhelmed by the unknown and confused by conflicting medical opinions about treatment options. I said a few things, likely not useful, but her question stuck with me.  Precisely what do I mean when I say that? 
During virtually all of last year I was sidelined from doing almost anything as I went from one autoimmune crisis to the next.  The only thing I could do consistently was to let my mind spin out of control, which often took me to destructive destinations.  That young woman kept appearing in my daydreams.  If I were to offer anything useful to others who live on this planet of chronic illness, I had better come up with something to back up the platitude. At first I thought the deeper meaning was that I pay more attention to the things that count in life, and less to those that don’t.  But many of us do that, whether we’re ill or not.  I spent some time thinking about how to fashion a life of illness into a life of lessons.  Here is how illness itself became a great teacher to me, and the ten lessons I took from it. Continue reading here

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Title Says it All

BS - that is, before Sjogren's - I used to love music and singing. I was part of a few choirs that practiced and performed regularly. I'm not a particularly good musician, but I enjoyed being part of a fun group of folks making music. But as Sjogren's dryness and fatigue appeared, I was forced to give up my hobbies such as choir first, then my job, and then even some of my responsibilities around the house.

Y'all know the drill. It seems that it happens to all of us in some manner. This makes me cranky even to think about it.


So my friend Terese is actually a very, very good musician having been a music teacher for thirty years, a church accompanist, and a singer in two choirs. I used to love standing next to her and following her expert lead as we sang together over the years. I miss it, and Terese knows it. She's been urging me for the past year or so to consider dusting off the old vocal cords and joining one of her choirs.

"It's perfect for you. It's a group that sings for nursing homes and assisted living centers, so they're very appreciative and forgiving audiences. When you can come to rehearsals or gigs, come. When you can't, don't. You can sit on a chair for performances, and just participate when you feel like you can."

I've been thinking about that invitation for a long time, and in all honesty I'm not sure what prompted it, but a few weeks ago I decided to give it a try. What a hoot it's been to be reading music and pounding out harmony on my piano.

I participated in my first little concert tonight, and what fun. I struggled for my pitches; and the energy required for me to sing for a half an hour - even while perched on a chair - left me hoarse, sweaty, and very tired.

How wonderful. Seriously, I had a blast.

The group doesn't perform on a regular schedule, but I can't wait till we can sing again.

Monday, May 18, 2015

HHS: Surviving WIMS (Web-Induced-Medical Stress)

Happens to me all of the time: I sit down to my computer and do a search on an ailment and end being either scared silly or totally confused. It's so important to get your medical information from reliable sources, such as

Sunday, May 17, 2015

More Photographic Evidence

.....that our recent road trip was indeed a success. We dubbed our quest "The Mission Mission" since our goal was to visit several of the northern California Spanish Missions and anything else that caught our attention between Portland, OR and Santa Cruz, CA.

What fun.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Put it on a Poster

After last week's road trip, I came home feeling pretty optimistic about my energy coping tactics. We rolled into town on Saturday, my travel adrenaline rush kept me going until Sunday (isn't that the weirdest thing how one can go from such a high to such a low??) and I crashed on Monday, right on schedule. I've been pretty good about resting and pacing myself this week and easing myself back into some kind of post Sjogren's normalcy, and I have to admit I felt pretty smug after doing a little grocery shopping and housework.

Then yesterday I got all cocky and decided to haul some empty decor boxes down from the attic. I grabbed a few dirty towels and a half-empty cup of cold coffee along the way because loading my arms right up to my eyebrows with lots of bulky items seemed like a good idea at the time, headed down the staircase and promptly fell down the last few carpeted stairs onto the hardwood floor.

I sat there in a puddle of coffee counting my lucky stars that overall I was fine. I also thought about what a dumb stupid thing I had done and that it could have turned out much worse.

The very familiar and all too appropriate phrase, Pride Goeth Before a Fall also came to mind. Yet again. It would be interesting to do some kind of search on Reasonably Well to see how many times I've typed THOSE EXACT WORDS in response to some dumb stupid thing that I've done simply because I was certain that I could rely on some skills that I no longer have.

Hey. I need someone to print some version of that adage on about a dozen posters and wallpaper my house with them. This one's a goodie:

Gee. I can buy a whole bunch of these here

Golly. Does that imply that I should have a free hand to actually HOLD the handrail? Might be worth pondering...

So this purple one should probably get hung out in the garage right at the spot where I lose either my footing or a half gallon of almond milk because I've grabbed far too many grocery bags on my way from the car to the kitchen.

found on Pinterest

Actually, this one is my favorite. I think I'm hopeless:

found here. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Sir. Just put them into my car immediately....

I was too busy petting to snap a picture. But they looked exactly like this these two found here. 

I just have to share an incident during which the potential for a double goat-napping was huge.

Yesterday, after yet another entertaining visit at Bev's house, I rounded one of the many corners in her neighborhood. I slowed my car almost to a crawl since I could see what looked like a couple of energetic black and white dogs prancing around in the road directly ahead. As I got closer, it became apparent that these were not dogs - but knee-high bouncy BEBEH GOATS. To use Cute Overload vernacular.

It was obvious that this pair of cloven hoofed cuties was running amok since a nearby barn door stood wide open. The owner was sweating heavily as he attempted to shoo them back to the barn with absolutely no success.

I stopped the car, not wanting to be the cause of a bebeh goat fatality. Besides, this was great fun to watch. The poor guy was alternately wheedling and yelling crossly at the sproinging little guys, and of course like kids of any species, they completely ignored him. He finally stopped dead in his tracks, and began running in the complete opposite direction that the goats were going. They trotted to a stop, looked at each other, then back at the owner and began to chase after him like crazy.

Pretty smart guy, I thought. And it turns out that he was: as soon as the two got within arms reach, he turned around and snagged them, sticking one under each arm. Once I was sure that their escape antics were safely over, I cruised over to the owner who was doggedly making his way back home and rolled down my car window.

CUTTTTEEEEEEEE! I squealed. I couldn't stand myself because those two babies were just about the most irresistible things I had seen in years.

He stopped and shoved the pair towards my car. "Want 'em?!" he laughed.

Oh, hey. Don't tempt me. How old?

"Six weeks. Six looooooong weeks!"

Can I pet one?

"Oh, sure. They're friendly."

And they were. They bleated absolutely adorably as they swung from the owner's arms. I stroked their sweet little faces and wished more than anything that I could have a couple of BEBEH GOATS all of my own.

Then realized that if push came to shove - it would either be John or the goats in my life since John has made it abundantly clear that a goat would not ever be living on any property of his. I decided that even though I loved those two little critters, I liked John better.

I reluctantly gave the pair a final pat, thanked the heavily perspiring owner, and rolled along the road towards home. Sigh.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation Education Sheet: Insurance Reimbursement Tips for Dental Care

The SSF Sjogren's Quarterly Spring 2015 issue contains an excellent new Patient Education Sheet. To see other SSF Patient Education Sheets, check my left sidebar using a non-mobile device, or visit the SSF site here.

Patient Education Sheet
Insurance Reimbursement Tips for Dental Care

Ever since dentistry split from medicine, insurers have looked at dentistry as being sole confined to the mouth. Because Sjogren's is a systemic disease that affects the mouth, patients and their professional caregivers often have faced extreme frustration in obtaining reimbursement for care. This becomes even more difficult when trying to obtain reimbursement for care under regular medical insurance as compared to dental insurance. 

Basic Dental Care Reimbursement Tips for Any Kind of Insurance
  • See tips for reimbursement for medical care in SSF Patient Education Sheets on Health Insurance Tips Parts 1 and 2. Many of these are relevant for obtaining reimbursement for any kind of healthcare.
  • Read your insurance policies carefully. Know what they will cover, will not cover, and what is not explicitly stated. The latter can provide a window for pushing for coverage. Be prepared to prove that your treatment qualifies for coverage under your plan.
  • Always appeal a denial!
  • If denied, find out what led to the insurer's decision, and keep a careful paper trail. Mail your appeal certified with return receipt to document that your appeal was mailed within the specified time frame.
  • The appeal claim address might be different from the submission address, so check carefully.
  • In all corresponding documents, include: date, claim number, date of service, subscriber number, group or policy number, amount of charge, and dental provider name. In addition, describe the denial, why you are writing, and what you are requesting, Ideally this initial letter should be clear and concise. Templates are available on line to help with wording if you need to do the appeal yourself.
  • Do not send original radiographs, as they might get lost.
  • Provide a cost-benefit analysis when possible - For example: the cost of having more frequent dental check-ups and cleanings when someone has a dry mouth can save the insurance company the much higher cost of obtaining fillings, crowns and/or implants.
  • Remember that you are the client and pay for your insurance. Don't be afraid to place the insurance company on the defensive and make it clear that the company must justify its refusal to cover what should be deemed medically-necessary care. Stress the medical repercussions if you do not get the care you need and the potential negligence on the part of the insurance company if you do not get that care.
  • A common insurance phrase when considering reimbursement charges is "usual, customary, and reasonable" or "UCR." This can be extended to include the care required for a Sjogren's patient. The SSF Clinical Practice Guidelines for Oral Care and Management can be cited to prove usual and customary care.
  • Provide a Letter of Medical Necessity. A Sample Letter of Medical Necessity for dental treatment can be found on the SSF website under "Brochures and Resource Sheets."
  • Include two or more articles from respected dental or medical journals backing your claim of medical necessity.
  • Refer to the SSF website and the SSF brochure on Sjogren's and Dry Mouth as an authoritative source of medical information on Sjogren's. 
  • If you do not already have dental insurance, consider obtaining it.
  • Be persistent but friendly, and document all of your interactions.

For more information on Sjogren's, contact the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation at:
6707 Democracy Blvd, Suite 325, Bethesda, MD 20817 
800-475-6473   ssf@sjogren'

Clinicians: Please make multiple copies of this Patient Education Sheet and distribute to your patients. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Moistures Seekers Q and A: Inheriting Sjogren's Syndrome

Yup. It's all in our genes. Image found here

Once again, I found several gems of valuable information in the latest Moisture Seekers Newsletter from the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation. This one is written by Sukesh Sukumaran, MD, DPMR, FACR"

Q: I have Sjogren's and I know autoimmune diseases can run in families. Should I be concerned that mu children will get this?

A: The tendency to develop Sjogren's depends on a multitude of factors; both genetic and environmental. Hence, it is difficult to predict disease susceptibility within a family and there are no definitive tests to help determine whether your child will develop Sjogren's.

The majority of children born to a parent with Sjogren's will not inherit the disease. Studies have shown that Sjogren's was reported in only an estimated 4% of first-degree relatives of patients with the disease. However, if you or a close family ember has Sjogren's, there is 30-35% chance on your children developing any variety of other autoimmune disorders.

In the absence of symptoms, laboratory evaluation and/or treatment is not warranted for your child. Your pediatrician can monitor your child for development of any signs or symptoms and pursue testing if necessary. However, if you are pregnant, you baby may be at risk for neonatal heart block and your baby may need further testing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Pictures Live!

First, to answer the question: YES! My brilliant, genius, fabulous hubster did indeed recover the last batch of trip photos after I deleted them from my camera. After I get them edited, I'll post a few. Like this amazing one of an organ with faces painted on the pipes. Extra credit for all you Californians - and anyone else - that can identify where I took this shot:

Second: I was so excited by John's photo recovery skills that I jumped around like a crazy person for far too long, which made me even more tired than I already am.

Third: This means more time resting. But who cares?? I have my pictures! Wahoo!!

.::Julia throws confetti as she climbs back into bed::.

See y'all tomorrow.

Monday, May 11, 2015

I Can't Blog, Either...

I'm not complaining because I know it's the price I pay for having fun for a whole week, but truthfully? I'm bushed. Zonked. Whackadoodled. Yeah. It's the expected post-travel snorefest going on at Julia's house.

See y'all tomorrow. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I Know What We Have

Yup, I do.

Our friendship with Terese and Greg is a rare thing. Although I try never to take these two special people for granted, still on days like yesterday the uniqueness of our relationship is unmistakable.

Why yesterday?

Because as we were unpacking our car after spending nine days with each other, I really missed the idea of us not all having breakfast together.


Oh, hey. It's great to be back in our own house and into our routine again, just John and Lulu and I, but the fact that we didn't all climb out of the car thinking, "Thank GAWD that's over," is pretty significant.

Well, at least I didn't feel that way. I can't speak for the others. But the feeling is mutual, right guys?

Um, guys? RIGHT, GUYS?

Wonder where our adventures will take us next? With our latest outing, we've set the bar really high for cool John Julia/Terese Greg travel destinations.

Terese's feet are so much more tan than mine.  

Yes. We have matching sun hats. Not that Terese wants to be seen in hers.

Friday, May 8, 2015

What? I'm supposed to just look at everything? And not photodocument it all??

I'm going through camera withdrawal, really I am.

Since inadvertantly trashing two day's worth of vacation pictures, my Canon has been tucked away into John's suitcase awaiting our return to home and the potential for John to safely retrieve the missing files from my camera's card. In the meantime, I'm not allowed to even look at the thing.


Yes, I still have the camera on my phone, but as anyone who has developed a relationship with  a REAL camera, (Developed? See what I did there?) we alll know that punching a phone button is a poor and unsatisfying substitute for hitting the shutter button, feeling that snap and hearing the unmistakeable sound of a genuine shutter closing.

Oh, man. This is so hard. Sob.

We've been barrelling along the freeway in sunny weather past gorgeous mountains, lakes, rivers, and even some wild animals -- like GOATS -- and all I can do is futilely and reflexively tap my right index finger against a button that isn't there. This is torture, people.

It's been suggested that I need a camera plushie to hang on to; or that I need some blinders; or even worse - that in order to put me out of my photo taking deprivation, it may be best to treat me like a parrot that needs it's cage covered with a pillowcase before going to sleep.

This is all probably true.

Which doesn't make it any easier.

Greg? and Terese? I love you guys like family, but without my camera sitting in my lap, road trips with John and y'all just aren't the same.....

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ah, Geez

Well. Read on to find out why this post doesn't include a photo. 

Julia strikes again. Meaning that I did something pretty weird. 

This go-around involves my Canon, my new iPad, and about 170 pictures.

At the end of a day during which I snapped and clicked my way through two California Missions and one beautiful historic seminary, I downloaded my photos onto my iPad - or so I thought. Then I deleted everything from my camera card. 

Mistake mistake mistake because as it turns out, my pictures didn't appear on my iPad files. 

Oops. Aaaaargh! I was so upset that I felt literally nauseous. Dang! All those pictures....

John promises me that there's a good possibility he can recover those files from my camera's card. I'll keep y'all posted. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's Beautiful

I've enjoyed multiple things about our trip, one being seeing the amazing art found in the Missions that dot the California coastline. 
