Thursday, February 9, 2017

Let us all have a moment of silence...... reflect upon the demise of my beloved MacBook upon which the majority of Reasonably Well's posts have been written.

Yes, I am sad to report that my laptop has gone to that great computer heaven in the sky. So I am awaiting the delivery of a new Dell laptop (gasp! Not an Apple, I know!) with baited breath.

Will I be able to blog in Windows-land? Will my posts have a different tone arising from a different laptop? Will I ever get used to PC controls?!

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

May The Force be with you.

Marion said...

New challenges, but we have faith that you'll overcome!

Kelly said...

Julia, I found you again! Just in time to let you know I had the same problem going the other direction. I was a proud PC user when hubs decided we had to go Mac, All Mac and several years on I still miss my old Toshiba laptop and some of the Windows software I liked, but I'm here to reassure you I am still able to do everything I did before. Some things work better in each system, some worse but overall it's generally the same level of frustration/accomplishment. You'll adapt eventually.

It's good to see you're still blogging and doing Reasonably Well. I have some catching up to do...
