Tuesday, March 29, 2016

To Refresh Your Memory, Terese....

After dinner on Easter Sunday I was sitting on the couch with Terese. We had our legs stuck out straight and were slumped down on the cushions. Eating at the Ham-O-Rama will do that to a person. I was wondering why I hadn't thought to wear pants with an elastic waistband whenTerese said, "I noticed you haven't been writing in your blog as much lately."

Yup. I plan on being less of a lazy butt now that things have settled down a bit around here. 

"Usually I read your blog every day to see what I had been doing the day before."

Needing daily reminders, girl? Yikes.

Well, then. This post is for you, Terese. It doesn't apply to what you and Greg were up to yesterday, but here's an Easter day reminder:


Wait. Did you get in on the Peep-Tini thing?

The mustard glaze won the annual Easter BEST HAM GLAZE competition yet again. Even though there were some attendees that attempted a Mustard vs Pineapple caucus, and a problematic few went as far as to demand a contested convention; Mustard prevailed and remains undefeated.

Everyone enjoyed this year's after dinner game which was a Peep flinging contest.

Does that spark a few memories, girl? Ahhh. Excellent day.

Photos by Matt, Laura, and me. Email me to request permissions for use of photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the post and pics. I might have to steal the peep fling idea, and you really should post the recipe for peeptini!

So nice to hear from you :)
