Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hamster Sized Pie

Well. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. This year, our family is foregoing our usual Thanksgiving extravaganza with 30+ guests, decorative place cards, guest favors, and the fiercely competitive Turkey Trophy event.

Yep. We are. .::GASP::.

Instead, I've opted for a family-only day with the only requirement being that at least part of the day should be spent in one's jammies.

This is a huge concession to the realities of being a post op patient. But my family thinks that it's a grand idea, bless their hearts. So instead of making five or six pies, this year I'm only making a couple. I'm thinking that these two had better be spectacular pie specimens.

In my search for the perfect pie, I was scrolling through a Google search for Thanksgiving pie recipes, when this squee-inducing video from Cute Overload appeared.

How cute is this?! Was that actually a teensy pumpkin pie? Wonder if he'd share his recipe....

A Tiny Hamster Thanksgiving

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As part of our Christmas holiday, we added a pajama day. It is the first Saturday of the Christmas vacation. It is only our family (well, and one stray I claim as a son), and EVERYONE must remain in pj's all day. We spend the day watching back to back Christmas movies, eating leftovers for lunch and ordering a pizza for supper. I highly encourage it!
