Thursday, May 22, 2014

Let's Play Geography Quiz!

Wanna play a game? Of course you do.

Here's the rules: Ahem. I'll post a bunch of pictures from our location yesterday, and y'all can guess where we were. And the winner Probably nothing but pure satisfaction, people.


Here ya go:

Here's a hint. That thin white line on the horizon of picture number three is ICE.

May the best sjoggie win.


Anonymous said...

My guess...Duluth, Minnesota? If so, you're a long way from home!

Heda said...

No idea but it's very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

If you Google the ship it says Duluth Minnesota and that it is part of a museum, but it clearly looks mobile, so I am not sure Duluth is right.

Sjoggie Shannon said...

Duluth, Minnesota is my guess to (thanks to your clues and google)!

Lindsey said...

Glacier National Park!

Nan said...

Duluth, Minnesota on Lake Superior

Gertie said...

Definitely Duluth. Was on that pier last summer. Went to family reunion in Wisc and drove up there for the day. Don't forget to go to the overlook with beautiful park.
