Friday, September 20, 2013

Sure.....I meant to do that....

Last night after dinner, John suggested that we take a drive down to a nearby river to see if the fall salmon run had begun. What a beautiful evening. I had forgotten to grab Canon, so took pictures from my phone. Because it's just not in my nature to simply soak in all that nature and beauty.

I simply MUST take pictures.

Yeah. It's so pretty down by the river at sunset.

Funny how it's pretty even while I'm careening head over heels over the rocks by the river.

I was mid-shot as I just......fell. I'm fine. But as I sat in the dirt and river rocks, I checked my phone to make sure it survived and was amazed to see this picture.

How cool is that?!

It was almost worth the trip.


Unknown said...

I LOVE the falling shot! It reminds me of some of my old paintings. Hmmm, when I can get off the sofa I may have to go hunt out the paints and canvases. If the brain fog lets me remember what I'm looking for by the time I get up, that is. Well, your photo sparked my creative urge enough to make me want to try, lol, so thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

Glad you weren't hurt. I love the pics, keep 'em coming. Just be careful!

Amy Junod said...

You know I love the falling shot! You must be learning how to fall well because you got the shot off! Hope you aren't hurting too much from it. (The other shots are gorgeous!)

annie said...

So fortunate to live close enough to go for a drive "to see the salmon". So fortunate you didn't do a big header and seriously hurt yourself....right? Gorgeous pics.

Anonymous said...

I also live near to a river (actually our backyard backs up to the Puyallup River-east of Tacoma). It is very tranquil just looking down onto the river-any season of the year.

I'm glad that you and your phone survived the trip.


Gertrude said...

Oh Gladys...what are we going to do with you. You make life so interesting. Take care of yourself!

ShEiLa said...

I would say...
I find comfort in another camera klutz, but since my fall in. Indiana was back in March and it required a trip to the ER and stitches.... (Lousy stitch job... What my other docs are saying including the surgeon that removed my lipoma in May) Then because the ER physicians are not contracted by the hospital I just had to pay them $503.83 ... I digress.

What I am trying to say is I love the photo.... Feel so badly that you fell. I hope you are okay. Miss Julia.

Jan said...

It's beautiful! I thought it was a Monet :-)

(Glad you're ok)
