Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Down By the Riverside

It's kind of embarrassing how clean my hiking shoes are. 

I took my new hiking boots for another test run yesterday. Lulu and I headed down the hill and over to a nearby small lazy river late morning, since the forecast was for hot hot hot temps later in the day. Lulu has never met a river. I thought it was about time that introductions were made.

I thought the water looked cool and refreshing.

Lulu wasn't impressed.

What?! Go IN the water? Are you nutso?

But it was a nice little -- very little -- walk. I made it back to Goldie without falling on my face, or on Lulu, and once home didn't have a mega-crash.



Kelly said...

Try the hiking pole(s). I'm not kidding this time. I used to feel so clumsy and precarious when clambering over rocks and was so scared I'd roll an ankle and/or take a tumble I couldn't enjoy the scenery when we'd go for hikes. Also my knees and back would whine about going up and downhill, but the poles help distribute the stresses. The difference is astonishing. There are even poles that have tripod connections for your camera.

Those are really spiffy boots, Happy Hiking!

Amy Junod said...

Ahhhh. I can just smell the fresh air and hear the water rolling over the rocks.

Anonymous said...

Well, LuLu might not have been impressed, but I was! I always love looking at your pictures. They are like a little mini "mind" vacation for me. Thanks so much for posting them!

annie said...

We are fortunate to have such clear and clean water in our neck of the woods compared to other parts of the world. I absolutely love your is my favorite color.

Annette said...

Very nice river. Athletic Julia goes to the head of the line! I wish I could visit

Julia Oleinik said...

Annette, Annette.....girlfriend. First of all, come visit anytime! Secondly, seriously? Athletic Julia? Bwahahahahahahaha. There's a reason that my shoes are so clean.
