Sunday, August 10, 2008

Did I Really Say That??

Image found on Chronic Holiday. 

Over on Chronic Holiday, I have been reading posts by Donimo about the very strange things that people have said to folks with chronic illness. After shaking my head and tsk tsk tsk-ing, I realized something. 

In my previous life as a nurse, I have have said some pretty stupid things myself. Those years spent as a student nurse were especially atrocious. So it's confession time:

This said with otoscope in hand as I pounded on the bathroom door of my patient; a nun with tumors in her sinus cavities: "Sister? Can you come out so I can look up your nose?"

To a quadriplegic, who had no sensation capabilities below his neck, hypodermic syringe at the ready: "Now, you're going to feel a little discomfort," to which he replied with a twinkle in his eye, "Young lady, I sure wish I would!"

There's probably many more examples, but thankfully I can't remember them. I only hope my patients don't remember them, either. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I try to think of myself as an activist and I still say dumb things. Knowing that a person I was going to mentor on blogging is deaf, I asked her what would be the best way to talk, by phone or headset on IM? Duh!

She was fine about it, at least she said. She probably thought I was out of my gourd though.

OT, willing to blog about Invisible Illness Week? Check out my blog for info. I have a banner at the top right. Thanks!
