Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 It's been too long since we talked, I know. Thank you to those that checked in with me to make sure that I was still breathing and all; indeed I am! Y'all are so kind.

Here's what I have been up to since my last post. 

This amazing device alerted me to my heart arrhthmia, which although is not serious, is still good to know. As a result of a cardiac workup, I now can put a name to those annoying irregular heart beats (premature atrial contractions in frequent bigeminy) and I have learned that I have inherited my dad's leaky mitral valve. Who knew? I certainly didn't until I ran an ECG strip via my iWatch. Amazing. 

It also can alert EMS if I take a nasty fall, can measure my pulse and blood oxygenation, but best of all -- I CAN CALL TERESE TO HARASS HER FROM THIS THING. 

I feel like Dick Tracy while wearing it. 

Yes, I will be good and follow up as recommended with my cardiologist and even more importantly: will follow his advice. Even if it means getting a valve repair or replacement at some future point.

We had a smaller version of our annual Easter Ham-O-Rama last weekend. What a hoot. We ate too much, had a one kiddo egg hunt, and flung Peeps to our hearts' content. 

Ahhhh. I love Easter.

I love my Easter rolling pin. It makes the best designs in shortbread cookie dough. And it is easy to use for people with tremors like me. 

This grandchild is getting big so fast! He's morphed into a kid. Overnight. 

I love the flowering plum trees that line our driveway.

Grandkiddo is moving far too fast for this creaky old gramma.

We even were graced with this amazing rainbow. 

I'm thinking that it reminds us that far better days are ahead. Especially since I have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. 

I hope that y'all have been Reasonably Well. Hugs. 


mcspires said...

Really grand to hear an update! Glad to hear you are on top of things. I need more info (pics?) of flinging peeps. That sounds like something I must try.

Kelly said...

Julia, it's always a treat to see an announcement in my inbox that there's a new post from you. Thanks for sharing the Easter Joy. Those grands do seem to turn from cuddly babies to bear-huggin' kiddos overnight. As long as the hugs keep coming, it's all good. :-D
