Thursday, July 27, 2017

It's About Time

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Karen sent the following text to me:

I'm tired of looking at your nose every time I check for a new posting!
Can't say as I blame her. I sure wouldn't want to have that big rashy schnoz pop up every time I opened Reasonably Well. I totally concur: A new post is overdue. So this one's for you, Karen; and for everyone else out there that shares the same sentiment. Myself included.

Lots of stuff has happened since my June 3rd writing. Here's the lowdown.

1. John and I took a very cool two week drive back to Wisconsin to bring several of Mom and Dad's things back home. Along the way we saw some beautiful scenery:

And wildlife:

2. I was given my mom's wedding ring:

I have always loved this ring. I love that it's chunky, I love that the white gold is engraved to look like a flower with diamonds placed in the petals, but mostly I love it because it makes me feel connected to Mom.

3. Last, but certainly not least, I had surgery for a ruptured appendix early Saturday morning. Sigh. Yes, sad but true. I had a few rough days but since yesterday am beginning to feel as though I may survive this thing. While I was in the hospital, I couldn't help but think of this cute little book that I used to read to my children.

You can buy your very own copy of this awesome book here

And so that's about all I have to share right now, folks. Any suggestions for light reading while I'm recuperating?
