Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I'm Flying

So I'm back in Wisconsin again. You may recall that my mom had a serious stroke a few months ago and me and my siblings are kept hopping to coordinate her care and finances. So I'm getting really familiar with our airport and the Minneapolis airport.

I feel like Wendy from Peter Pan. "I'm FLYING!"

So far I'm appreciating the fact that I can get on a plane and like Wendy, just go where I need to go. And I have to confess that when I think about the enormous changes that have occurred in my childhood home with the loss of Dad and Mom in a nursing feels as surreal as Never Never Land.

I anticipate many flights ahead. Thank God for airplanes.

We'll talk soon. 


Anonymous said...

Sending prayers for safe travels. Take care of yourself!

Marion said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mom. Whatever else may happen, love is remembered and love wins. Love always wins.

Heda said...

Just handed my 95 yo Mum and her dog over to sister number one after a three week visit. Thinking of you.
