Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Photoshopped? Or Reality?

Yeah. Like this picture, for example. 

I've been looking over the zillions of vacation pictures that I have accumulated on my Canon memory card. And, as always, I tend to hit the delete button quickly of those that have me included in the image, especially the ones that emphasize my um.....womanly.....figure.

Y'all do it, too. I just know it.

But I'm rethinking this tactic. Yesterday, Dr. Joseph Reddington tweeted a link to an excellent article entitled, "What if Famous Paintings Were Photoshopped to Look Like Fashion Models?", and after viewing it I decided to retrieve a few of those deleted pictures from the trash folder. Just a couple.

The article makes an excellent point with several pictures and very few words. Check it out.


ShEiLa said...

I loved this post... So true.

None of us like less than flattering photos if ourselves.

I was playing on the floor with my grandson from Indiana last week... In my pajamas with my bare legs showing from the knees down.

My first reaction was to hit the delete button on all of them. Then I thought.... Look at the precious child I was spending time with.... He didn't seem to mind.... Why should I be so critical of myself?

My grandmother hated photos so much that we have many candid snaps with her hand covering most of her face.... Carmonetta was a beautiful woman.... No need to fear the camera but she did.

My Mother wasn't fond of herself in photos either.... So we don't have many. She was always trying to lose weight before stepping in front of a camera. I wish I had more photos of me and my Mother.... So although I am not happy with my weight and self image I take every chance I can to be in photos with my husband and children and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

I am not photogenic. I am one of "those' that avoids photos like the plague. I promise to rethink my position.

By the way, your hair is looking longer!
