Tuesday, October 8, 2013


All of us deal with the difficulties of our disease in different ways: some of us look for comfort in the company of family and friends, some need silence and isolation in order to muscle their way through a flare. TV, good books and good music are invaluable to others. Many of us look to our creator as a source of strength.

Me? I need all of the above in one fashion or another. One group of friends in particular that have always, but always been at my side regardless of circumstances are my furry friends.

Lulu's favorite spot these days, especially if I'm lying on the couch. She leans over and gives me puppy kisses when she feels like it. Ahhhhh.....

It seems as though Lulu instinctively knows when I need a warm fuzzy puppy on my lap or curled up next to me in bed, and it's hard to put into words the comfort that brings me. She loves me unconditionally and is always happy to be with me no matter how crabby I am. She's good -- some would say the best -- medicine that I have. And she's there for me every single minute of every day.

One of Reasonably Well's long-time readers and my friend, Mary, has just bid her kitty Casey good-bye after sixteen wonderful years of companionship. Although she is grateful for the many years she had with him and nursed him through hospice care into heaven, one of her precious sources of comfort has left her.

Let's spend some time today sending warm, consoling thoughts in Mary's direction.

Where do you find comfort in difficult times?


Sue said...

Sorry to hear about your friends much loved cat. I have found comfort in God, my family, reading
and watching tv. Your blog is also a comfort, you always have something on here that makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

My sympathy and empathy, too, for your loss. It is so hard. Last month I had to say goodbye to the doggie love of my life. He was a family member, and I miss him every day. Yes, he had a long full life, but it still is hard to go on without him. I don't know of comforting things to say or do. Just know that you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Our pets are so faithful - Mary my heart goes out to you in your time of loss. I am not wise enough to have words of wisdom, all I can offer is my deepest sympathy. Please know I am thinking of you!

LM said...

I find comfort in God, family, friends, and music. When I'm feeling my worst, I force myself to make a list of (5) things I am grateful. No matter how much pain or how grouchy I feel. It really helps me keep perspective.

Many sympathies and prayers for you, Mary. My precious baby girl is 13 1/2 now and I know her time on this earth is more and more limited. She has lived a long full life. Our pets provide unconditional love and non-judgmental concern. They know when you're feeling bad, they know how to comfort. Keep your kitty close in memory and thought. They take a piece of us each time they go, but I'm a firm believer that we will see them again one day. I don't believe God would create such wonderful companions and separate us for eternity. I always tell my old dog, "If you could live on love alone, you'd live forever." God Bless.

Julie said...

Oh my sympathies to Mary, on the loss of her beloved, Casey. Our furbabies are indeed such a source of comfort and love. I hope Mary is comforted by all the wonderful memories she shared, with her Casey. What a wonderful companion.

Julia, LuLu lays in the exact same spot where my yorkie lays! Our couch is also positioned, so he can also look out the picture window, and of course is constantly on the lookout for evil and threatening intruders, such as rabbits, squirrels and mailmen. He is especially attuned to the sounds of the UPS truck coming up the street! Woe unto the UPS driver, if he makes a stop at our house. Somehow, he ends up laughing at the 5 lb doggie in the window, barking and making such a fuss at him.

Christina said...

My heart goes out to your friend Mary. Its so hard to lose a furry friend.

I enjoy everything you mentioned as well as writing ( blogging) and music. While in a flare I tend to be more of a hermit and read, enjoy a tv show or some good music and prayer.

Shara from Seattle said...

Mary, I don't know how we are going to handle that when it happens in this house. One day we had kittens when the kids were little. Now Sam and Dan are in their late twenties and early thirties. I keep asking My Fang, how old are these cats? He shushes me and tells me they know what I am talking about. Angel and Bart are going the way an aged cat does and I will miss them too when they are gone. We will have lost a couple of friends. I look at my photos around the house and I see my friends that I don't see anymore and I remember them with out blemish.

These furry creatures are a temporary gift from Our Father and He can gift you with another. We are stewards more than owners of our animals.

Once these cats of ours are gone, I want a small dog. Please God! May I have a dog?

Amy Junod said...

My thoughts are with your friend. Unlike dogs, who think they are human, cats are of the belief that they are superior to humans. They will argue that they offer a superior level of purrfect comfort.
I was always a dog person. After the loss of my Aussie Shepherd we took in a cat that had made it's way to our home through our babysitter.
Now we have 4 cats and they each provide individualized care when I'm down.
Somehow they just know when something is up. I swear they can predict tornadoes too.

annie said...

So sorry to hear of your beloved cat's passing, Mary. Our pets are there for the good and the bad, almost like our partners are. Some are around long after relationships fizzle out, offering unconditional love and affection, knowing instinctively when they are needed to offer comfort. My two cats are always there needing my attention, but also giving me so much back.

After I lost my cat 10 years ago, I told my husband no more pets! A few months later we had a kitten who needed a home, and 6 years after that, we took in another homeless kitten. Life would be so quiet without a little creature around.
