Friday, August 9, 2013

Sure. You CAN go Home Again.

It's always a good time when we head back to the midwest to visit the folks.

This is my 87 year old dad's favorite set of wheels. He hangs everything he can think of off his four wheeler. Because when you're rodding around on a few hundred acres or so, never know what you might need.

Yep. That's an ammo box. And a tool box. And a.......wait, what?

Ah. A Hot Wheels toy car. A little boy lives just down the road. Makes sense.

Dad's not milking Holstein cows anymore, but he does keep some beefers around.

I used to have a GREAT tree house up in that old oak tree.

Yummy supper, Mom. Lookin' good, Dad.

1 comment:

annie said...

I count myself fortunate to still have my parents around and close by, where I see them every day.Have a great visit.
