Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Finders Keepers Losers Weepers

I experienced a small panic attack yesterday.

I know. Everyone in the whole world has these things and I guess I'm no exception. But this go-around was pretty weirdo even for me. It went something like this:

So I've discovered Land's End knit pants. I love them because they are practically indestructible, don't fade or stretch out in strange places, and are comfy beyond belief. And no, I didn't get paid to say that. Actually since these things are a bit on the pricey side, I've paid THEM a fair amount to say that...

The one downside that these pants have is that my favorite version doesn't have a pocket large enough for my cell phone. There's one little itty bitty zippered pocket thingie sewn in near the waistband for those people who are actually active in their activewear to stash car keys etc while they're running around being active.

Me? I consider these my ideal in-active pants. Ahhhhh. Comfy......

So the lack of a pocket means that I stuff my cell phone in my bra.

A few days ago, I remembered that I needed to return a phone call, and as usual wondered where I put that darned thing. I did the pat-pat-pat myself down maneuver -- right boob -- because I always use the right side of my bra as a cell phone holder, and where my pockets should have been, then searched my purse and headed out to the garage to check out Goldie's innards.

No phone. (Here's where the panic attack started.) I began to retrace my path through the house, crawled around looking under the sofa and chairs, made my way upstairs and began going through the pockets of my other pants. No phone. I went outside and looked in my hammock chair. In the driveway. No phone. By this time I was feeling pretty sweaty and anxious.

Finally in desperation, I grabbed the house phone and called my cell.........ring ring ring........

(Here's when the panic attack finished.) It was a pretty short lived panic attack.....because the LEFT side of my blouse began to blink colorful lights, vibrate, and emit guitar-strumming ring tones.

Honestly. WHO put it there?!


Anonymous said...

Hi Julia, It is very dangerous to put your phone in your bra. You should find a better place. Love your blog. Read you every day. Bobbie

Betsi said...

Followed the link and discovered the pants are on sale for a mere $25! Last winter I lived in yoga pants, which weren't quite warm enough . . . I think I found my new INACTIVE pants, thank you very much . . .

momcat said...

I wear the LLBeans very comfy pants....and, no pockets! I also carry my phone in my bra....right side only....so funny!! My grandson, who is just two and I babysit for..has started stashing things down in his shirt...just like Granny!

Sue said...

I think you are talking about the starfish pants. I have a few pairs of them also. They are very comfortable but the pocket is useless. Great pants though.

Shara from Seattle said...

Pants? You mean those things that I gave up wearing once I didn't have a boss?

Oh Julia, I darn near spit my coffee! How about taking your bra off and finding bank cards, lighters and change stuck to your boob. Everything you looked for all day. Ha! My glasses, I can never find them when they are in my hair on top of my head.

I haven't been to a support group but can you imagine how long it must take to get people to stay together for a couple hours? I imagine them wandering off...

Annette said...

It's all your fault that I am spending money Julia. Those Starfish pants sound like something I could live in, and then of course I needed a bathing suit for the pool exercise I am sure to start taking after 20 years of resistance. Who knows. I finally walked in the Arthritis walk after an even longer period of saying "I have sore feet. Why do you think I should walk!?

Anonymous said...

You are too funny :)

annie said...

Just too funny.Out of curiosity, does your phone not stick to your skin? I guess it's a good thing so you're not able to lose it easily!
BTW, you're making me spend money....I've been shopping for books and browsing for clothes. Yikes!!

Julie said...


Julia, I had different types of central IV lines, in place, for over 7 years. My bra was very handy for holding the tubing ,that came out of my chest! I could easily get to it, and give myself the IV phenergan, that i required, to stop from going into a full blown obstruction, due to my nasty motility disorders*( also from related to the mixed connective tissue diseases)..Luckily, I am done with that, and just have some nice little scars all over my chest. I think we should all get matching tattoos. Maybe yours should say "place cell phone here" so you can remember which bra cup to put it in...

In the meantime, thanks for the big laughs!!!

Julie said...

ooh and yes, gotta check out the Lands End pants!

My "uniform" consists of layers on top, with the outer one being a hoodie, to accomodate for quickly changing internal temp needs (aka AI related daily fevers and this wonderful time of life spritzing episodes)..and "stretchy" pants on the lower half..
So, I am always on the lookout for good, quality in-active pants!

ShEiLa said...

Been there done that!
Which exact pants are they? I would love to try them.

710.9 said...

I love those pants, despite the inadequate pocket. They are some of my favorite flare wear!

ShEiLa said...

Never mind sweet Julia... I clicked on your link.

Unknown said...

I absolutely cannot function without my phone! I go into massive panic without it! Is that. Sjoggie symptom?! ;)

Annette said...

OK It took hardly any time at all and I am now sitting here wearing my official blogging pants, just like you. I went for navy and just noticed the caption in my magazine "Add Anything Navy...another neutral we can't get enough of...sophisticated shade...sleek and cool, especially when you wear it from head to toe." Haha
