Tuesday, November 23, 2010

That's GENERAL Turkey Julia, Soldier!

I may have mentioned a time or two or three that we're expecting a crowd for Thanksgiving dinner, which makes me deliriously happy. There's nothing that I love better than filling my house to the brim with friends and family during the holidays.

However, I have to be honest here. Stuffing the turkey AND my house also means that I get to adopt a commander-in-chief persona.......and I must admit that I look forward to this every year. I really, really, really look forward to bossing everyone around......Bwahahahaha. But it's also the only way that I can cook and serve a meal this size without ending up in bed for a month afterwards.

So with lists in hand and and guests willing and ready, I get to perch myself on a kitchen stool sipping coffee and direct the whole shebang. Girls? Peel the potatoes! John? Check the turkey temperature! You, there! Yes, You! Go downstairs to the basement refrigerator and bring up the pies.....and on and on and on. If anyone is slacking off, I bark,  Drop and give me fifty! (Actually I've never really said this. But I've always wanted to).

I even have a seating chart ready. Yes, we do indeed have assigned seats.

John says that if I were a manager in his company, I would be accused of micro-managing my staff. I say - who cares? And go set the table!

My dictatorial style isn't limited to Thanksgiving day itself, oh heavens no. I get to wield my mighty power for weeks beforehand. Check out this email sent out last week. Aside from changing the names to protect the innocent, I didn't change a thing:

Hello everyone! 
I just wanted to clarify our Thanksgiving dinner plans:
This may be a different time that I had mentioned earlier to some of you, but this will give J. time to enjoy the festivities before she has to head back to Seattle later in the day. All guests are welcome at any time before the big event, however, keep in mind that guests arriving before said mealtime will be heavily recruited to accept additional kitchen responsibilities. (No, JT - taste testing does NOT constitute a kitchen responsibility.) 
Second - YOUR ASSIGNMENTS (should you choose to accept them....) We expect to be serving 25.
S: corn casserole, pumpkin roll, and oven space for a very large turkey.
N: cranberry or fruit salad, dinner rolls, and oven space for yams/sweet potatoes.
T: chocolate pecan pie, vegetable tray.
S. and L. : My darling godchild.
Seattle Contingent: Assorted beverages. Turkey Trophy.
Please remember that participation in the annual turkey trophy event is MANDATORY and this year's contest rules are determined by last year's winner Susan. Bring your best game faces, people. 
I can't wait for the party to begin! That is all. Carry on, troops. 
Turkey Commander-In-Chief Julia 
So if you're in my neighborhood on Thanksgiving day, drop by! But expect to work for your food......


annie said...

Julia,I want to wish you and your guests a very Happy Thanksgiving and joyful eating.

Julia Oleinik said...

Thanks, Annie! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too!
