Tuesday, November 24, 2009

She's A Better Woman Than I Am

Head over to But You Don't Look Sick to read a heartfelt essay about feeling thankful even during difficult times.  It was written in 2008 by Karen Brauer but reposted this week. 

Picture by LilGoldWmn


annie said...

As much as I enjoyed Karen's post and to a certain extent agree that one must be thankful for whatever we have in life, because there are others far worse off than we are, I also have objections. As a person who seems perfectly able to work, but canot, I have endured job loss (along with income), bankruptcy, and now impatiently waiting for lawyers to help me get some disability to help me live and survive. For this, I am not grateful to be ill. I've never said, "why me", because we all have difficulties in life, but to be poor and ill is not easy. It is quite a comedown from middle class to living like middle class on a tiny income from my hard working husband ( who has lost jobs numerous times,due to companies closing/moving/downsizing). I believe in order to survive with illnesses one must accept and learn to live with the illness, or you will not live long, nor as well as you could, because that is where depression sets in. This is where the stubborn part of a person's character comes in handy. By being this way, we do not give up easily, and somehow seem to persevere in the face of great difficulties. I believe that there is a reason why we are chosen to have a chronic illness/illnesses, whatever that reason is...look at you Julia, educating others with your blog. Everyone I know who is sick with cfs/fms is better informed than their doctors on meds, information and research going on.Everyone has a way of dealing with their illness...whatever works for the individual is great.Sorry for the rant, keep well.

Julia Oleinik said...

I hear what you're saying, Annie.....which is why is labeled my post with a slightly tongue in cheek title. I am not grateful to be ill either. And, unlike you, I HAVE said why me.....repeatedly!

Dealing with the changes that autoimmune disease has brought about in my life has been by far the hardest thing that I have ever done, and although I think that there are definitely reasons for and lessons to be learned from this experience, I have a great way to go to feel any sense of thankfulness for it. I agree - people who are stubborn will find a way to persevere. Guess that includes us!

I sincerely hope that you can get your disability approved, and soon.
