Friday, July 13, 2018

Something New

My friend Karen and her family visited me last weekend, and as usual it was great fun. While she was here, she asked me when I was planning to write another post because she was tired of seeing a picture of my broken arm every time she visited Reasonably Well. And as usual, this was a good observation.

So here I am and I'll make sure to add several pictures to this post. All of which provide something far more enjoyable to look at than that annoying cast. Here's one of my favorites:

 Doesn't Marcus look as though he's thinking, "Graaaaammmmmmaaaaaaa! Enough kisses already!"

These were taken on the weekend after my cutie patootie grandson Marcus was born. I love being a grandma.

Here are some of the last pictures that y'all will see of our yellow house. We accepted an offer on our home from a young family with two little girls this week. It makes my heart smile to think that this home will have teensy kiddos living here.

I wonder what Lulu and her Santa Lambchops will think about our new house? We are moving to a home that checks all of the boxes on our wish list. It has a master bedroom on the main floor which means that the likelihood of me tumbling down stairs will decrease considerably. Hopefully. It is situated on five acres, half of which are douglas fir trees and at 1100 feet elevation, has a great view of the mountains.

I find myself becoming aware that I simply cannot tolerate noise as well as I used to. I feel an acute discomfort when I am in a noisy environment. It is blissfully quiet at our new place. If all goes as expected, we will move in to our new digs mid-August.

Moving should be an interesting experience. I'll keep y'all posted.
