Thursday, December 21, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Well. With four days to go, I am ready for Christmas.

This has me worried.

It's never happened before. Typically, at this point I am rushing around for last minute gifts, frantically turning out sugar cookies and fruitcake and anything else I can think of that heavily involves sugar and butter and flour.

But this year, I have workmen in my kitchen. For the past three days and for another two, I am having work done in my kitchen. Currently the backsplash is being installed which basically makes the kitchen a "NO JULIA " zone.

I've had mixed feelings about that. I want to be in there obsessing about Christmas food; but on the other hand, I have already made my fudge and my neighbors have been sharing an abundance of Christmas cookies and candy with us all week. Which means that we already have more treats than we can possibly eat. So I don't need to be in the kitchen right now, actually.

Hm. A new kitchen AND I don't have to bake another thing before Christmas. Nice.

I have all the presents purchased and John, bless his heart!, has wrapped them all. They are all under the tree looking all festive and pretty. The house is reasonably clean except for a last minute tour of the bathrooms with toilet cleaner and windex in hand.

I've forgotten something, I just know it.

Lulu and Frodo tell me to relax. As long as there is doggie treats in their stocking.

I'm trying to kick back and just enjoy the holiday. I hope y'all are too. And I want to wish you the merriest Christmas ever.


Sue said...

Merry Christmas Julia.

Enjoy your time with family and friends. Your tree and Creche are lovely.


Kelly said...

Merriest holiday wishes to you too Julia!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, Julia and a happy new kitchen! May 2018 bring you and abundance of peace, love and contentment, in between the normal ups and downs.
