Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Chukka Time

I'm into chukka boots lately. Like my suede version?

I like them because they're kind of like a cross between a sneaker and a boot. I spent a great deal of the summer running around in canvas and mesh sneakers. But when the winter rains truly descend upon us here in the Pacific Northwest, it is time to switch out the barefoot inside sneakers experience for warm socks and substantial shoes. So I'm ready. Bring it, winter.

Oh, right. I was supposed to be damp mopping................

What's your favorite winter shoe?

Monday, October 23, 2017

Happy Fall Y'all!

Beautiful picture and graphics by Kristi Marie Howell at incourage.me. 

Hello, my friends. It seems that I always have abundant reasons for not posting as frequently as I have in the past, and I have another to the list. I have tremors that frequently are so severe that I can type on my laptop only by the two finger hunt and peck method. Oh brother. I thought previously it was related to my thyroid medication management, but the frustrating shakes are back with a vengeance. It has been a problem for a long time and I am guessing that the solution to the problem will be a long time coming as well.

Ah, but we keep on trying....

I have to say, in spite of shaking like a leaf, I do feel better overall than I have for awhile. I suspect that the fact that I have finally lost a significant amount of weight may factor in heavily towards my slow increase in energy and increased mobility.

Can you tell that this cropped photo (sorry about taking out half your head, John honey) is from a church directory session? Like the Squiggy hairdo? 

Oh, yeah Squiggy. (David Lander). You rocked that haircut, big guy. Me? Not so much. Image found here.

So I really don't want to debate the merits of various diets and weight loss programs here, but I have to say that my internal medicine doctor and programs offered through the clinic were instrumental for my success.

So far.

I guess all programs boil down to this: eat less and move more, and the easy part of weight loss is losing the weight. The hard part is keeping it off. So they say......but I can vouch for the accuracy of that. Y'all KNOW ME. My mango margarita obsession will be problematic here, as well as the upcoming pumpkin pie and fudge season creeping up on us. But I will soldier on and keep up the good fight, as I am sure that all of us have experienced in the war on obesity.

(But, but.........pecan pie!...............)  Begone, Bratty Inner Child Julia! BICJ has not been happy about the change in my eating habits. Too bad, so sad, girl. So there.

So what's new with y'all? Share your happy and not so happy experiences this summer with me in the comments below.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Don't worry Goldie: I won't love her more than you.

Guys. I am sorry to report that my beloved Goldie the Prius, now ten years and 150,000 miles old, is moving on to a different garage.

*dabs tears*

Ah, but she is staying in the family. She's heading north to my daughter and son-in-law who promise to take good care of the old girl, failing water pump and all.

Which brings me to the point of this post: to introduce Goldie's successor, Sadie. Isn't she a beaut?

Yup. I was beyond excited.

She's named Sadie because she's a Mercedes-Benz. She only has 22,000 miles on her, which makes her just a babe. Oh, Sadie honey, we are going to have us some really great adventures!

Lulu approves, since this is her car just as much as it is mine. Oh my. With Sadie's turbocharged engine, we can get into a whole world of trouble!

I hope.

I'll keep you posted.
