Tuesday, June 30, 2015

More Sjogren's Awareness Online and In Print

Awhile back I was approached by folks from Media Planet Personal Health News wondering if I could write a brief article addressing my strategies for dealing with Sjogren's syndrome - specifically dry eye symptoms. I was happy to oblige. The piece appeared in newspaper print as part of an insert in the Canadian newspaper, The National Post; and also online seen on Media Planet Personal Health News found here.

Julia Oleinik
Retired Registered Nurse, 

I’m Julia Oleinik, I’m fifty-eight, and enjoy life with my family, friends, and one very poorly behaved schnauzer. I’m a retired RN, and I like to write, travel, and pretend to be a photographer.  

And incidentally - I have Sjögren’s Syndrome.

Not familiar with Sjögren’s? Sjögren’s Syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease which may impact the entire body but most often first presents itself by destroying moisture producing cells found in the mouth and eyes. In my earliest cluster of Sjögren’s Syndrome symptoms included fatigue, enlarged parotid glands, dry mouth, and painful reddened dry eyes....continue reading here

I'm thinking that cropping out my bathroom closet doors on my head shot was a good idea.....


Heda said...

Yay. Excellent article.

Unknown said...

That's awesome. And thank you for you and your blog!

Amy Junod said...

Nixie is clapping her twiggy hands wildly!
Great article!
