Thursday, January 19, 2012



Of course Blogger has an app for my iPhone. And now that I have it downloaded, my life has suddenly become a bit easier. And less vexing.

So John and I have been galavanting all over the southwest US, which is why my dumb stupid laptop issues have been particularly problematic.

However, by the time y'all read this, I will be home and happily plunking away on my usual computer, and some semi serious Sjogren's dialogue will be forthcoming.

I trust all of my readers, really I do. But I think it would be just asking for trouble to blab to the entire internet-verse that John and I have left the building for an extended period of time. Call me paranoid, but what if somebody took this opportunity to snag Pinky while were gone?!

We have had an absolutely delightful time doing........absolutely nothing. Our timing has been superb, since we scooted East of the Cascade mountains just hours before the Pacific Northwest was slammed with a snow and ice storm.

We don't feel guilty about that one little bit.

We have spent the week driving Goldie's wheels off through the warm sunny weather while listening to some awesome audio books, (Riders of the Purple Sage for example) visiting family, going where our fancy takes us, and eating whatever appeals to us.

Last night's culinary foray found me happily sampling a wonderful pork and hominy soup called posole. And enjoying another margarita.

Not as good as Jose's but deeeelicious.

I hope you all have had as an enjoyable week as we have had.

Pics to follow.

1 comment:

Amy Junod said...

Sounds like so much fun. My Grannie used to say, "I've got a full tank of gas...where shall we go?"
Glad ya'll had a fun and safe trip.

Pinky's glad your home cuz it's time to dress him up for Valentine's Day. Then Marde Gra. Then St. Pat's Day...Easter. (He's terrified of being shoved in the garage again)

Those margaritas look soooo very good. I see some frozen spirits in my future.
