Sunday, April 6, 2014

I heard her say it. Yes I did.

I could have been indulging in amazing Rose's Deli pastries like this. Every week. 

Well. I NEVER.

Ever since Ash Wednesday I have been laboring under a false assumption.

It all started on the first Friday evening in lent. John and I and Greg and Terese have made it our mission to find the best Friday night fish dinner in the greater metropolitan area; since we abstain from meat on Fridays during the forty days before Easter Sunday. It's a tough job. But we have undertaken this quest for the last three or four years with great dedication and persistence.

So on that fateful Friday evening after tucking away a delicious beer battered fish dinner, I swear I heard Terese declare that she was giving up desserts for Lent.

Honest. Cross my heart.

My, I thought. That's really something. Wish I had Terese's willpower and dedication to the spirit of Lent!

So every Friday night after our weekly dinners, and the waitress offers us a variety of delectable desserts, I announce to everyone at the table and the waitress that since Terese has given up sweets for Lent, that we would ALL refrain. Even though I really would have loved to indulge.....dang. But being the really good friend that I was and all, I would support her. Meaning that we all should.

Until last Friday night when after I made my usual no-dessert-proclamation, Terese asked me, "Where on earth did you get that idea? I NEVER said that I was giving up dessert! I want some Moose Tracks ice cream!" Because we were eating in a Moose themed restaurant. Don't ask.

WHAT? You said you were giving up desserts! Yes, you did!! I sputtered. John! Greg! You heard her say it, didn't you?

They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "We heard YOU say that she said it." commented John.

I'm indignant. I mean, none of us need all those extra calories and sugar and wheat's just the idea of the thing.

I've lost three pounds since Lent started. And it's all YOUR fault, Missy Terese. Tsk.

1 comment:

ShEiLa said...

Thanks for the chuckle you silly girl!!!!!
